Visiting a H.S. Friend

Today's lunch hour was a FANTASTIC one.


Had the opportunity to chat for 30 minutes or so with one of my high school classmates from the (amazingly awesome) KHS Class of 1993.

Although the location was a hospital room, his spirits were high, and it was so good to see him.

We talked and laughed quite a bit about our high school days.

Memories...... there sure are a lot of them.




And of course, basketball.

I consider three of the big blessings in my life to be: the town I grew-up in, the school that I attended and the class that I  was a part of.

We were a very tight-knit group and so many of us still are today.

Friendship bonds that were formed as teenagers...... now extending into our 40's.

Yes, some of my best friends in life are my high school classmates.

Many people can't say that.

But I can.  And it's a wonderful thing.

Something else he and I talked about?  Our 25th class reunion -- coming up next year sometime.

Almost 25 years since high school ended.    so hard to believe.

Out for now........
