Weird Super Bowl Odds

Super Bowl...... coming on Sunday!

Not sure whether you knew this, but those silly bookies out in Las Vegas will let a person place a bet on WAAAAAY more than just the outcome of the game.

This one seems reasonable:

Coin flip: The Super Bowl coin flip has landed on heads 24 times and tails 26 times in 50 Super Bowls. The coin has landed on tails the last three years. Odds on it landing on tails again this year: 50/50.

And this one too:

Super Bowl MVP: A quarterback has been named Super Bowl MVP 27 times in 50 games. Brady, a three-time Super Bowl MVP, is the favorite, just ahead of Ryan.

Then things start to get a little more "interesting":

Length of National Anthem: Country music star Luke Bryan will perform the National Anthem to kick things off Sunday and even though it is not a wagered offered by Nevada sports books, it is a widely popular bet at offshore books. The over/under on Bryan's rendition was sitting around 2:09. Expert insider tip: Advanced scouting of previous renditions by Bryan reveals that his tempo varies. You're welcome.

Halftime: It's not halftime for the bettors. Picking which song Lady Gaga song will perform first is must-bet fun. "Born this Way" and "Bad Romance" are among the favorites.

Soaked: Along with the over/under on the National Anthem, the color of the liquid dumped on the winning coach is also an extremely popular wager offshore. Clear, Green, Orange and Yellow are in the running.

Read more about them all:

Out for now........
