Repo Man With Heart of Gold

I am not a fan of CBS News.

But 1 man there gets it right.

Steve Hartman.

I've now seen this video 3 times, and each time it gets a little sweeter.

1 unassuming man.

A repo man.

Making a loving, compassionate impact in such a meaningful way.



Steve Hartman has continued the mighty tradition left by the great Charles Kuralt.

Bringing meaningful news stories out of the shadows.

Exposing their beauty to us.

Exposing us to stories of why we all have such an important role here on this Earth.

We are gifted.
And someone out there needs a blessing.

It would be such an honor to meet Steve someday.

To shake his hand.

To thank him for his work.

To make sure he knows the value in what he does.

Spreading light by telling us stories of those spreading their light.

Out for now........
