Turkeys of Boston

I learned something new yesterday.

(That's a good thing, right?)

And it came during the Sunday message from Pastor Wayne.

What was it?

Boston is full of turkeys.

No, not Red Sox fans.

Turkeys.  Real, wild turkeys.

Some wild turkeys, especially in spring and early summer, choose to stand, walk, or pace back-and-forth in the center of busy highways, dodging vehicles and blocking traffic. Some (but not all) of these birds are juvenile males and often do not strut or display. The reasons for this peculiar behavior are unknown.

"Highway" turkeys are not easily dispersed, if at all. If a hazardous situation exists, and the birds do not soon disperse on their own, they may have to be forcibly removed.

And it sounds like they have displayed a good amount of aggressiveness:

Turkeys are obsessed with their reflections and are known to chase shiny objects, including hubcaps. “In spring, reflections are a big thing…They think they’re seeing another turkey and they start pecking.” (Dave Scarpitti, game biologist)

So........ how to deal with the turkeys?

Sage advice:
“If you run, they will chase.” (Sue Thibedeau, animal control officer)

Walk, don't run.  


Out for now........
