Good Friday is Good!

Saw this online and wanted to share it here on MattChat for Good Friday.

It's short, and it's sweet.  And I believe it.

Out for now.......


Why is Good Friday so Good?

By Todd Starnes

Someone asked me the other day - why do Christians call today Good Friday?

Imagine your child was born into the most horrible of circumstances - a life of misery and pain, destined to be a man of constant sorrow.

Imagine someone you love infected with a terminal malady - incurable - passed down from generation to generation. And no matter what you did - no matter how hard you tried - there was no escaping the eternal suffering.

But then imagine a man with a cure - a man willing to be wounded for our transgressions - bruised for our iniquities.

Imagine a man willing to sacrifice himself so that our sons and daughters might be saved - so that I might be saved. 

And that's what happened on that day so many years ago on a hill far away, when the King of Kings was nailed to an old rugged cross. For a world of lost sinners - He was slain. 

Love crucified, arose -- and that is why Good Friday is so good.