Human Cost of Inaction

Our state of Illinois has had no budget for  640+ days now.

We are at a crippling impasse that is having crippling effects.

Take a read........

From, a post entitled "The Human Cost of Willful Inaction":

The Responsible Budget Coalition totals up the carnage caused by the impasse:

• More than 1 million Illinoisans have lost access to critical services. (United Way)
• 22,000 seniors outside of Chicago have lost access to services such as home delivered meals, transportation and help accessing resources. (Age Options)
•  Nearly 47,000 fewer children receive affordable childcare that allowed parents to work and go to school. (SEIU Healthcare)
• Higher education funding has been slashed by $2.3 billion over the past two years — 59% — threatening permanent damage to many colleges amid layoffs, decreased enrollment, academic program cuts, and tuition hikes. (Center for Tax and Budget Accountability)
• K-12 schools are struggling due to cuts to transportation, special education, and school lunches. (The State-Journal Register)
• $0 dollars of state funding has been provided for domestic violence services for the entire state since June 2016, putting thousands of
lives at risk. (Chicago Metropolitan Battered Women’s Network)
• Illinois is not funding tuition grants for 130,000 low-income college students, forcing many to drop out. (Young Invincibles)
• 80,000 people in Illinois have lost access to needed mental health services. (National Alliance on Mental Illness, Chicago)
• As rates of opioid addiction steadily rise, over 24,000 fewer Illinoisans were admitted to addiction treatment services. (Illinois Association for Behavioral Health)
•  Nearly 30% fewer pregnant women and families with young children have received proven, cost-effective parent coaching and home visiting services. (The Ounce of Prevention Fund)
• 34% fewer women received life-saving breast and cervical cancer screenings. (Metropolitan Chicago Breast Cancer Taskforce)
• 90% of homeless service providers have been forced to cut clients, services, or staff. (Housing Action Illinois)
• 2,311 fewer formerly homeless Illinoisans received needed supportive housing services putting them at risk of losing their homes and entering higher cost systems. (Housing Action Illinois)
• Illinois’ 29 rape crisis centers were forced to lay off staff and cut hours resulting in waitlists for survivors seeking help. (Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault)
• Public transportation used by workers, seniors and those with disabilities has had days and routes cut in Central and Southern Illinois counties. (The State-Journal Register)
• Adult literacy grants were cut by 50%, significantly limiting access to this critical step toward self-sufficiency for the 2.1 million Illinoisans with low literacy skills. (Chicago Citywide Literacy Coalition)
• Cuts to HIV/AIDS testing, housing and prevention services are risking lives and increasing stigma. (AIDS Foundation of Chicago)
• Over 100,000 immigrants have lost access to services like citizenship assistance and language access. (Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights)
• Employment and training programs have been cut, denying job seekers of these cost-effective services. (Chicago Jobs Council)
• Illinois’ agricultural infrastructure has been damaged by cuts to crop research and development, livestock laboratories, soil and water conservation districts, county fairs and more. (Illinois Farm Bureau, Illinois Farmer Today)
•  21 home healthcare agencies serving low-income seniors and people with disabilities have closed, reduced service areas or capped intake, raising the likelihood of institutionalization. (SEIU Healthcare)
• Services that divert youth from incarceration have been shut down in 24 counties across Illinois. (Illinois Collaboration on Youth)
•  As community violence rises, over 15,000 youth have lost access to safe spaces after school. (Illinois Collaboration on Youth)

How sad.
How depressing.
How useless.

Out for now........


p.s. The latest discouraging update: