Spotting the Weird

I have a knack for coming across some really bizarre stuff at resale and antique stores.

Here are a few examples -- some of my "spots" from yesterday's trip to Sullivan, Mattoon and Tuscola.

Out for now.......


No, I did open it up to see what it was that qualified Ms. Witch as "mixed-up".

I always called them "cassettes";  wasn't it 8-tracks that were referred to as "cartridges"?

100% proves that you can buy a coffee table book about any topic.

Had no idea something like this existed;  it could really bring out my inner Dr. Seuss.

Are they calling their father a "blockhead"?  And why did Mom let them get those haircuts?

BONUS:  not in a store, but a curiosity none-the-less:

Wonder what sort of magical Rural King innovations take place behind those doors?