Thoughts on Status of IL

Selection of recent quotes from various sources that describe (in part) what is really, REALLY wrong with Illinois government.......

At the heart of the debate on the Illinois budget is the clear division between liberal and conservative philosophies on the role of government. How much should government provide and to whom—questions that politicians on both sides of the aisle have long grappled with.  (Meghan Leonard, Illinois State University)

The impasse is the most intentionally vicious act ever committed by this state government on its own people. Period.  (Rich Miller)

At some point, Illinois might finally get a budget, a small one. Just big enough to pay for a single light bulb.  Then the last resident of Illinois will pick up and leave, switching off the light on the way out, and the state won’t need a budget anymore.  (Editorial Board, Chicago Sun-Times)

Illinois is beginning to resemble one of those Antarctic glaciers that are so far gone they will continue to melt even if global warming is reversed.  (Editorial Board, Chicago Sun-Times)

But really, if embarrassment were a possibility with the speaker of the house and the governor, this would have resolved itself long ago. I’ve met crackheads living in a nest of blankets on Lower Wacker Drive who had a more highly developed sense of shame than these two jokers.  (Neil Steinberg)

Here's a figure that should still hit like a gut punch: By paying bills late, the state has incurred $800 million in penalties. That's right. We've lit $800 million on fire, flushed it down the drain, shot it out like crap through the proverbial goose—choose your metaphor.  (Editorial Board, Crain's Chicago Business)

Unless someone has an epiphany, the real test will come when Rauner and lawmakers decide whether to duct-tape together one of those temporary stopgap budgets again, or instead watch as public schools all over the state fail to open in a couple of months. The devil in me hopes for failure, because maybe people of this state finally would get as angry as they ought to be. (Greg Hinz)

In many respects, the damage is done..... it's already too late.

But we must resolve to solve!  The bleeding must be stopped NOW!


Out for now.......
