2 Till Doom

Not a surprise at all, considering what's been taking place in Iran & North Korea -- plus the Oval Office Twitter account -- during 2017.

The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, which has been tracking the threat posed by nuclear weapons and other technologies since the 1940s, moved the second hand forward on their Doomsday Clock forward closer to its symbolic apocalyptic midnight.

The last time the clock was so close to midnight was in 1953, when the US and the Soviet Union were engaged in a nuclear arms race.

In 2017, the board moved the clock from three minutes to midnight, to two and a half minutes to midnight. The furthest the clock has been from midnight is 17 minutes in 1991.

Now it's at 2 minutes till midnight.

Closest since 1953.


Here's more on the story:

I believe that it was thru the authority / provision of God that scientists (part of God's creation) were given the wisdom to discover the intricacies of nuclear science back in the early part of the 1900's.

And I believe that God's sovereign power   will protect us from the evil that is using that God-revealed wisdom to transform our planet into a tinderbox.

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
