Salt Bomb

When a massive winter storm/blizzard hits, it seems like we all focus on the snow..... and not the salt.

That said, this is an enlightening read:

First Came the Snow Bomb, Now Comes the Salt Bomb

"Winter storm managers take what’s already an easily weatherable, salt-rich urban and suburban environment and slather it in road salt. North American rivers take in this additional salt, wreaking slow-moving havoc on drinking water and infrastructure in the process.  Road salt, sewage, irrigation run-off and briny water from fossil-fuel production and mining all change the chemical composition of soils, dislodging the calcium, potassium, and magnesium that are supposed to be there and replacing them with sodium, which isn’t."

Salt keeps us safer, short-term.  But, what is it doing to us long-term?

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
