Wonder Bible

Until I saw the infomercial on TV recently, I had no idea something like this existed:

(who came up with that name?)

The details:

The Incredible Bible That Speaks!

Now you can listen to the Bible … anytime, anywhere! Wonder Bible is a compact and lightweight audio player that you can take wherever you go.

Complete King James Version

Contains the complete Old and New Testaments – letters, gospels, psalms and more! Easy-to-use controls allow you to skip to your favorite chapter or book. Pause and resume where you left off.

Great for Everyone

Pleasant voice reads the book to you. Ideal for the visually impaired. Makes a great gift for weddings, baptisms, first communions, Christenings and more.

First question: Why did they use the King James Version?  So hard to understand that "old speak", especially for little kiddos.

Second question: Where do they get off charging $40 for this thing?  It's basically a pre-loaded MP3 player.  And there are lots of apps where verbal readings of the KJV (and other versions) is available for $5 or less..... even free.


Peace & Love & Grace to you all -
