American Violence

A haunting image:

Some ask: What is Washington doing to curb the violence?

I ask: What are YOU doing to curb the violence?

Are you pouring all you've got into your family?

Are you pouring yourself into the life of other families?

Are you standing-up and cheering for the Moms and Dads who are giving their all to their family?

Are you standing-by as violent images continue to permeate movies, TV and video games?

And what about the violent, disgusting words invading much of today's popular music?  You OK with that?

This is not a gun problem.

This is a society problem.

And like any cancer, it will get worse without treatment.

Washington does not have the answers.


You have the answers.

We have the answers.

We are stronger together.

We must be strong together.

And we must unite to get our nation back on-track.

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
