30 Thousand Macs

This is an unbelievable story.

But it's TRUE!

And certified by the Guinness Book of World Records!!

With very few exceptions, Don Gorske — aka “The Big Mac Man” — has eaten at least two Big Macs per day since he first discovered the item on the McDonald’s menu in 1972.

Gorske recently polished off his 30,000th Big Mac on Friday, May 4, in front of a crowd of reporters and fans at his local McDonald’s in Fond du Lac, Wis. He already held the Guinness World Record for Most Big Macs Consumed, which he was awarded August 4, 2016, following his 28,788th Big Mac.

30,000!!  WOW!!  That is...... 117 gallons of "special sauce" -- DOUBLE WOW!!

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
