Gardens Back Home
It's been so enjoyable this Spring to watch the slow yet steady development of the flowers in my garden.
My love for gardening started at an early age -- 7, maybe 8. Huge fan of marigolds then -- and still to this day.
I vividly remember both Papa and Dad tending to the family garden out at the farm.
And I vividly remember some of the neat-o plants and flowers we had around our yard in Kansas.
Bluebells (or something very similar)
ferns on the north side of the house
the "Snowball Bush"
Lily of the Valley (or something very similar) -- on the northeast corner of the house
and the line of white perennials that would appear on the east side of the house each year
Yes, my love of planting, growing, gardening started young. And continues so very strongly to this day.
Grace & Peace & Love to you all -