Kroger Sacks Sacks

Remember decades ago when plastic bags were all the rage?

People thought it was so cool to be asked "paper or plastic?" at the grocery store.

Now, paper bags are virtually impossible to find (Aldi will sell them to you for like 8 cents each).

And plastic bags have lost their luster because we've all come to realize our convenience is hurting the beauty and sustainability of Momma Earth.

Kroger has just made this announcement:

The quality of Kroger's plastic bags sucks anyway, so this isn't a huge deal for me.

You know other stores will soon join the bandwagon, and we'll all soon be taking reusable bags on our shopping trips.

My biggest problem with those: cleanliness.  They touch carts, they touch counters, they touch food that's been touched by others who have touched that food.  Remembering to disinfect them will be a chore.

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
