Chicago Mayor History

Some history was made in the Chicago mayoral primary yesterday.

Although less than 30% of voters decided to even bother going to the polls to select their choice from like 57 candidates for the next Windy City Mayor, those that did selected these 2:

Lori.  Toni.

As of early April, Chicago is going to have its' first female African-American mayor.  Both ladies are smart.  And it's clear that both ladies love Chicago.

Which "4-letter female name ending in an 'i'" will come out on top?  Who knows?  But I sure hope more than a paltry 30% of voters cast their ballot.

After all, the individual holding the title of Mayor of Chicago holds the 2nd most powerful position in the State of Illinois (Mike Madigan is #1, Governor JB is probably #3, maybe #4).

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
