Daddy Priest

I really don't know what to say on this one........

“It’s the next scandal.  There are kids everywhere.’’

Vatican secret out: There are rules for priests who father children

"The Catholic Church has required celibacy from its priests for centuries, yet those vows were broken so frequently that the Vatican established a secret set of guidelines for dealing with clerics who fathered children.  This latest revelation, first reported by The New York Times, comes amid a new wave of developments tied to the burgeoning sexual abuse scandal that has rocked the church for close to two decades."

So, there's xx% of those in the priesthood who have fathered a child outside of marriage.

And, there's another xx% of those in the priesthood who have engaged in revolting abuse of children.

What a freaking mess.

I am afraid to give an estimate of what the sum of those two xx% figures above might be.

2% ??
6% ??
Surely not more than 10% ??????

Yeesh.  Such a disgrace.

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
