Picture 2/2: Feet at the Bus Stop

February 2
(year 6, picture 33)

We had such a great time up in Chicago today (and we were successful in finding a really beautiful prom dress!)!!

I'll share some photos of our day in my next post.

As mentioned yesterday, my plan was to head towards Midway Airport and do some plane spotting, hopeful that I could get myself at the end of the runway being used for take-offs and get some cool photos.


I spent a short hour sitting in the bus stop at the corner of Central Avenue and 63rd.  Had more than a dozen planes fly overhead -- most of them Southwest.

While hanging-out at that bus stop, I had a great conversation with a gentleman who was waiting on the arrival of the city bus.

Those are my size 13 feet and his size 15 feet.  Such an interesting guy who also ended-up snapping a couple photos of airplanes taking off.  He's thinking the Patriots are going to win the Super Bowl.

For those 30 minutes -- surrounded by the hustle & bustle of a busy intersection -- it was a fun experience to share life with one another.

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
