Packing the Court

1 word for this:  yeesh!

Sens. Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren and Kirsten Gillibrand told POLITICO they would not rule out expanding the Supreme Court if elected president, showcasing a new level of interest in the Democratic field on an issue that has until recently remained on the fringes of debate.

The surprising openness from White House hopefuls along with other prominent Senate Democrats to making sweeping changes — from adding seats to the high court to imposing term limits on judges and more — comes as the party is eager to chip away at the GOP’s growing advantage in the courts.


I've said this before, and I'll say it again........ the role of a fair and impartial judge is to rule according to the law and according to the Constitution.

Judges must not ever be allowed to rule based on political pressure or blind partisanship.

"chip away at the GOP’s growing advantage in the courts" :: THIS MAKES ME SICK!

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -


p.s. More on this topic from The National Review: