Picture 3/22: OTHERS

March 22
(year 6, picture 81)

While online, I spotted this piece of simple art:

This would make such a cool magnet.  I'm really considering investigating how to get that done.


Luke 6:31 -- Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

No matter who we are or what we've achieved, each of us experiences a variety of blessings (some big, some small) every day.

Including me.

Just the opportunity to wake-up each morning...... alive & healthy...... is a blessing beyond measure that I never take for granted.

That said, I look for at least a couple ways EVERY SINGLE DAY to do something for an "other".

Maybe that's opening a door.
Maybe that's passing-up on a close parking spot so someone else can have it.
Maybe that's leaving the quarter in the shopping cart at Aldi.
Maybe that's picking-up litter that's blown into someone's yard.
Maybe that's giving a compliment.  Or a smile.
Maybe that's _____________________.  (you fill in the blank)

Think about it.  Think about others.

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
