Hacking the NFL

Craziness over on Twitter Sunday & Monday:

The Twitter accounts of America's National Football League (NFL) and 15 of its teams have been hacked just one week before the biggest football game of the 2019–2020 season.

The first team to be compromised was the Chicago Bears, whose account @ChicagoBears was hacked at 8:40 a.m. on Sunday morning: 

NFL reporter Dov Kleiman began a Twitter thread of screenshots depicting all the NFL team accounts compromised in the OurMine hack. By his reckoning, a total of 15 teams were hacked, including the Green Bay Packers

Other teams to be hacked were the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers, who are due to compete on February 2 in the Super Bowl LIV game, which will decide the champion for the NFL's 2019–2020 (and 100th) season.


The actions of these hackers appears to be harmless -- basically, just out to show that they had the skills to accomplish such a feat.

However, what might happen next time?  And there will be many more next times.

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
