Itchy Uniforms

I'd heard something about this issue in the past few months, but I did not realize it had come to this:

Delta will ditch the uniforms many employees call 'toxic'

The uniforms, worn by Delta's flight attendants, gate agents and other customer service employees in airports, are made by Lands End. The uniforms have been in use since May 2018, although some workers who complained about health problems were given permission to wear other, similar-looking clothing.

"Lands End":  to me, that name rings of quality.  Their stuff is quite pricey (not that that in itself makes it quality), and they have a good reputation.

More than 500 employees, most of them flight attendants, filed a federal lawsuit against Lands End on Dec. 31 alleging health problems they believe were caused by the uniforms, including vocal cord dysfunction, breathing difficulties, skin blisters and rashes, blurred vision, nosebleeds, ringing ears, migraine headaches and fatigue.

YIKES!  Blisters, nosebleeds, blurred vision!!??!!??  Those are some serious symptoms of something gone wrong.

And it states "most of them flight attendants".  Does that mean there are pilots flying with fatigue and headaches?

It's evolved into a "he said, she said" type situation.

Delta (DAL) said that it conducted testing and found the uniforms to be safe. But the lawsuit challenges the result of that study and said the employees' own test found the presence of "chemicals and heavy metals far in excess of industry accepted safe levels for garments."

Clearly, something is going on.  So I'm glad to see that there's a swap-out of uniforms taking place.  Even though that has to be quite expensive.

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
