Lee Is History
Some history is pretty.
And some history is ugly.
But, it's still history.
That said, we get this:
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam said Thursday that the statues of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee in both the state Capitol and on this city's Monument Avenue are offensive, and said he supports creating a commission to recommend a replacement for the statue of Lee that currently represents Virginia in the National Statuary Hall of the U.S. Capitol.
The governor made the comments during a news conference urging the new Democratic majorities in the General Assemby to pass several measures aimed at devoting more resources and attention to black history. Those include paying for maintenance at historic black cemeteries; setting aside money for new historical markers featuring African Americans; funding a full-time state historic cemetery preservationist; and spending $2.4 million so Alexandria can expand a museum at the Freedom House, the former headquarters of a notorious slave trading firm.
I'm all-for his ideas to expand funding for historical sites. But tearing-down/erasing other history? Why?
What makes one piece of history more or less historical than another piece? It doesn't.
History is history. Like it or not.
Lee and what he fought for was ugly. But that statue is not there in celebration of him and the ideals of the Confederacy. That status is there as a reminder of the man who was, the history he made, and why we must never make a return-trip to that type of society.
Erasing history -- or making a conscious effort to forget history -- is neither wise nor prudent.
Grace & Peace & Love to you all -