Recounting the Sheriff Vote

Long time coming.

Glad to see it's finally gonna get done so we can move past the controversy.

A legal battle over results of the November 2018 Macon County sheriff's election has been placed on hold and there will now be a hand recount of all ballots, according to a joint statement from Sheriff Tony Brown and his challenger, Lt. Jim Root. 

The big question now is whether this recount will finally settle the results of the election, which gave victory to the Democrat Brown by just one vote over Root, a Republican. Lawyers for both sides said that all depends on how the painstaking review of some 40,000 individual ballots turns out. 

One looming possibility is that the recount will simply leave the parties back where they started, arguing over a few disputed ballots. Asked that question, John Fogarty, the attorney representing Root, said Wednesday: “There will likely be ballots that we will argue over. But depending on where the actual count is, those arguments may not be necessary. If we are arguing over two ballots and the margin is 10, you know then it won’t matter.”

Both guys are highly-qualified.  Macon County is going to be in an excellent position whether the winner is Mr. Brown or Mr. Root.

This should have been done months ago.  The uncertainty has gone on WAAAAAAAY too long.

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
