C Minus for IL Schools

Interesting study/statistics coming from the Illinois Education Association.......

The Illinois Education Association (IEA) today released its second annual State of Education report, the only bipartisan poll asking Illinoisans about all aspects of public schools. The results show that despite changes made to make the teaching profession more attractive, including enacting the $40,000 minimum salary law, Illinoisans still give our public schools a poor grade, believe teachers are paid too little and many would not advise family members to become teachers.

The data show that on the whole, the public believes our schools are doing poorly and the state of Illinois is on the wrong track. Fixing our public schools is ranked high on Illinoisans’ priority list, above reducing crime, balancing the state budget and lowering taxes.

The full State of Education report and all the nitty-gritty details can be found here:

It's ugly.

Basically, Illinoisans rated our public schools as a "C-".  The good news (if you call it that) is that nationally, public schools are given a "C" grade.

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
