Ciao Italy

I had no clue things had gotten this bad over in Italy:

Italy's youth unemployment rate – the rate of people under 25 years old looking for a job and not finding it – is 28.6% as of the last quarter of 2019, according to Eurostat, the European Statistical Office.

The Italian rate of people aged 20-34 neither in employment nor in education and training, the so-called NEET rate, was 28.9% in 2018. It's the highest NEET rate in the Eurozone, which has an average of 16.5%. To put that more plainly, almost 1 in 3 Italians under 34 aren't really doing anything at all.

The Italian per capita income is the same as it was 20 years ago. In terms of economic growth, this past decade has been the worst since 1861.

Some 2 million young Italians – many of them educated and skilled – have left Italy since 2008.

These stats came from a fascinating NPR article -- take a read:

Ciao, Italia: Why Italy's Youth are Leaving in Droves

Not sustainable.  At all.

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
