Disney Over 200 Bucks

Highway robbery.

Disneyland introduced a tiered ticket pricing system that has placed some one-day passes at over $200 for the first time in history, 13 months after the House of Mouse’s last price hike, which coincided with the opening of the the $1 billion Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge expansion.

I have to imagine that very few vacationers are going to spend just 1 day at Disneyland.  Maybe that's the point of this high ticket price.  They want you there multiple days to chunk-down as much $$$$ on food & drinks as possible, so they jack-up the price of the single day ticket as a deterrent.

And I'm sure it's for crowd-control too....... keeping as many 1-day'ers away from the park on the busiest of days.

In other words, we don't want you to visit on Saturday...... please come next Tuesday.

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
