Montana Moron

I believe we've located the Montana Moron of the Year for 2020.  And get this...... he's an elected official.

A Montana lawmaker is facing controversy after he claimed at an event for the state’s Republican Party on Friday that the U.S. Constitution holds that socialists can be jailed or shot, reports say.

State Rep. Rodney Garcia, who represents part of Billings, Mont., in House District 52, also expressed concern about socialists “entering our government” at an event in Helena, Mont., on Friday.

“So actually in the Constitution of the United States (if) they are found guilty of being a socialist member you either go to prison or are shot,” he told a reporter, according to the Billings Gazette.

“They’re enemies of the free state,” Garcia reportedly said. “What do we do with our enemies in war?”

That thinkin' just ain't right.

While most would agree that socialists are off on wild & crazy tangents in a significant portion of their thinking, there could also be the same argument made on certain topics in relation to Democrats, Republicans....... heck, even the Amish.

No need for shooting, Mr. Garcia.

Maybe he had too much to drink?

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
