Sick of Being Divided

This story from USA Today is a couple months old, but it's so important.  And so true.

Americans are united on this: They are sick and tired of being so divided.

The divisive national debate over just about everything has convinced many that the country is heading in the wrong direction even as their own lives are going well, the inaugural Public Agenda/USA TODAY/Ipsos poll finds.

By overwhelming margins, those surveyed said national leaders, social media and the news media have exacerbated and exaggerated those divisions, sometimes for their own benefit and to the detriment of ordinary people.

More than nine of 10 – about as close to unanimity as a national poll usually reaches – said it’s important for the United States to try to reduce that divisiveness. Figuring out how to have a constructive conversation with folks on the other side would be a good start, most said.

Both Republicans and Democrats estimated that just over half of those in the other party were “so extreme you can’t imagine finding common ground with them.” (There was some surprising bipartisan accord on that: Democrats and Republicans each said that more than a quarter of the members of their own party were so extreme that they couldn't imagine finding common ground with them.)


People are so angry these days.

Government corruption.  Unbalanced news.  Lack of compromise.   UGGGH

It's not good.

Our enemies are laughing.
And stalking.
We let our guard down.
They will exploit our weaknesses.

We won't know how low we've gotten -- until we're already there.

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
