Trooper of an Eagle

Such a cool local story -- I just had to share it here.

(photo by Clay Jackson, Herald & Review)

Trooper, the bald eagle rescued by Illinois police, returns to the call of the wild

On Jan. 6 she had been found crumpled by the side of Interstate 55, not far from where she was released, by Sgt. Aaron Entringer with the Sherman Police Department, who was assisted in rescuing the eagle by Illinois Conservation Police Officer Brian Snodgrass.

Bald eagles, mighty symbol of these here United States and an in-your-face apex predator, are not above dining a la carte from roadside roadkill. That was what Trooper, so named because of her police connections, was doing when she fell victim not to fowl play, but a passing knockout blow from a vehicle collision.

Trooper was nursed back to health right here in Macon County.  Read the rest of her story:

My biggest unanswered question....... has she reunited with her mate?

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
