Cured of HIV

This is fascinating!

It references him as "second person".  I didn't realize there was a first patient, so I'll have to dig into that and read some more.

But what cool, promising news........

The second person ever to be cured of HIV is still free of active virus more than two years on, a study published by medical journal The Lancet HIV revealed on Tuesday.

Two and a half years ago, Adam Castillejo -- previously identified as the "London patient" -- finished HIV antiretroviral therapy.

He underwent a stem cell transplant to treat lymphoma and his donor carried a mutation known as CCR5-delta 32, which made him resistant to HIV.

Researchers said that in treating his lymphoma, they believe Castillejo, now 41, was cured of HIV.


Is this a fluke?  A miracle?  A scientific breakthrough?

If it's truly a breakthrough, HOW COOL IS THAT??!!??!!

An exciting possible solution to one of Earth's nastiest diseases.

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
