Decatur Trip Advisor

Very interesting to see what TripAdvisor's team has ranked as the top 10 atttractions in Decatur:

#1 and #2: no surprise.  Both of those are absolute gems.  Plus, the kids' train now connects the 2, so visitors don't have to move their cars.

#3: a nature lovers paradise!

#5, #8 and #10: for the history buff, these are 3 very worthwhile stops.  Not in the top 10, but in the same category:  the historic/beautiful Millikin Homestead and the Macon County History Museum.

#9 is under renovation.  In its' heyday, it was a stunningly beautiful facility.  And it'll get there again.  The first concert there in over 2 years will be this December.

#7 is a performing arts theater.  And is pretty much seasonal...... very busy during Millikin University's fall and spring semesters...... very quiet during the summer.  Spectator tip: aisles are very wide, providing way-above-average legroom.  However, aisles are EXTREMELY long;  if you're in the center of an aisle and need a potty break, you are gonna walk in front of 20-30 people.

#4: I wouldn't really call an antique mall an attraction, but it is so cool that the beautiful Wabash Depot is in use and maintained.  The building is packed with 2 floors of booths.  There is truly something for every collector.

#6: why is this on here?  It's closed.  I never went there;  heard that it was packed with great car buff stuff.

So what's missing?

-Lake Decatur

-The Devon Lakeshore Amphitheater (Nelson Park)

-Fairview Park (a really awesome biking/walking path connects Fairview with Rock Springs #3)

-Millikin Homestead

-Transfer House (in downtown Decatur's Central Park)

-Abraham Lincoln sites

-Overlook Adventure & Splash Cove (Nelson Park)

-driving tour of Decatur's 20+ murals

And there's shopping galore!  Plus, delicious restaurants.

Anyone who says there's nothing to do in Decatur is clearly not trying hard enough.  Or is a pessimistic stick-in-the-mud.

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -


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