Huge Snappers Under the Ice

"Tail to nose, I’d say it was 4’-5’ in size, with a head that was easily the size of an adolescent human. This was like something you’d think would be in a museum. Even in that moment, I knew I’d never see something like this again. I’d never seen a turtle this big, much less under ice.”

However, just minutes later, the quartet made a second highly unlikely discovery. Incredibly, 20 yards to the south of the giant turtle, they walked over a second alligator snapping turtle in the ice. “This one was less than half the size of the big one, and we could make out the barest movement. They were both moving—just in the tiniest motion—but you just see they were very much alive."

What an incredible story!  And look at that picture!!

One freaking huge turtle!  Can you imagine seeing that thing walking across the road?  Or bumping up against your leg during a summer swim in the pond?  YIKES

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
