Lady Gaga Bug

Wonder what Ms. Gaga thinks of this?

Insect With ‘Wacky Fashion Sense’ Named After Lady Gaga
Treehoppers are marvelous oddities of the insect world. A vast family of some 3,200 species, these critters boast an array of zany body shapes: some are spiked, others have horns, still others sport helmets that look like ants. While browsing through a collection of treehopper specimens, Brendan Morris, a graduate student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, recently identified a new genus of treehopper, as brash and strange in its appearance as its cousins. And Morris had the perfect namesake for his discovery: Lady Gaga.  Scientific name:  Kaikaia gaga

What's the thing look like?   Uggggggggly!

(the treehopper is on the right)

Ms. Gaga is a beautiful woman when she's not all dolled-up in crazy costuming:

So, I wonder if she finds the Gaga treehopper designation to be a positive or negative thing?

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
