Peace Corps

During my sophomore/junior years in high school, I was entertaining -- rather casually, mind you -- joining the Peace Corps after high school.

I had a strong desire to serve humanity in some way.  And, I wasn't overly thrilled at that time about 4 more years of school after finishing up at Kansas High.

Looking back, I cannot imagine -- absolutely cannot imagine -- how my life would have been different if I would have stepped in that direction.

Biggest one:  would not have met Corrie at EIU, meaning we would not be in our 23rd year of marriage and would not have our 3 beautiful daughters.

I would not have met such great EIU friends & professors.

I would not have gotten hired by ADM, meaning I would not have the great friendships and mentorships that I have acquired via work.  Not to mention the countless cool experiences -- very cool experiences -- in my 23 years so far.

One step further, I would likely not have settled in Macon County meaning all the friendships through Glad Tidings, First Christian, Decatur Celebration, Salvation Army, Beautify Decatur Coalition, Argenta-Oreana, etc. etc. would not exist in my life.

Wow, what a totally different guy I would have been.

Who knows?  I might have even succumbed to malaria by now?

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
