Small Town Organs

We were out on a family drive yesterday to get some fresh air after being cooped-up in the house for several days.

Headed up the direction of Clinton Illinois via the "scenic route" through Kenney, Illinois.

And I learned something.

From facilities in the historic Rybolt Opera House in Kenney, Illinois, the staff of Schneider Pipe Organs have built over 20 new instruments, and refurbished, renovated or restored many existing instruments as well as providing continuing maintenance and tuning services for over 25 Churches, residence installations, and institutions of higher learning.

Whether the construction of a new organ or the reconstruction of an existing instrument, Schneider Pipe Organs is proud to place the needs of the congregation first in designing any installation.  To these ends, each Schneider organ is as unique as the congregation for which it will be built to serve well for many years.

Who in the world would have ever guessed?  
Such a unique business situated in a small village of not more than 400.

This is an excellent example of what I absolutely LOVVVVVVE small-town America.

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -


p.s. a clipping from 1904 related to the Rybolt Opera House;  wouldn't it be awesome to have a complete listing of who performed there and/or who attended there?