Civil War Angel

Watched a really neat Civil War documentary early, EARLY this morning telling the story of this guy:

Richard Rowland Kirkland.

Confederate soldier.

1862, Fredericksburg.

"The Angel of Marye's Heights"

Borrowing canteens from several friends, Kirkland took a deep breath, jumped over the protective wall bordering the Sunken Road and dashed out onto the deadly plain. Bullets struck the mud around him, but he was not hit. Reaching the nearest soldier, Kirkland knelt down and, placing the man's head on his chest, poured the cooling liquid down the man's throat. He then took the soldier's knapsack and placed it under his head for a pillow, at the same time laying the man's overcoat across him for a blanket.

By now, the Union riflemen understood Kirkland's mission and had ceased firing at him. Some even cheered his bravery. For the next 90 minutes, Kirkland moved slowly about the field, giving aid to all he could reach.

It's an amazing act of bravery and service.

Read Richard's story:

Love conquers all.

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
