Easter Playlist

I've been scouring the vast collections of Amazon Music to assemble an Easter playlist.

It has become very obvious that there is not ANYWHERE near the number of Easter songs as there are Christmas songs.

But I have found these 5 that are quite awesome/fantastic and definitely bring the spirit of Easter to my ears.

"Via Dolorosa" - a classic that's been done by many;  the version by Veritas is AWESOME

"Easter Song" - this version by Jess Ray is the best I've found

"Arise My Love" - timeless classic from Newsong

"Christ is Risen" - a newer tune from Matt Maher..... fabulous!

"Resurrecting" - another newer tune;  this version from Elevation Worship rocks!

Others that can definitely be considered:
"Because He Lives"
"My Redeemer Lives"
"Blessed Is He Who Comes"  (Carman)
"Christ Arose"

Any other song that you'd include that I have forgotten?  Please leave me a comment.

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
