Panda Sex

The title of this post sure got your attention, huh?   :)

How about this graphic?

This news is a couple weeks old.  Let's hope their "efforts" were not in vain.  We need some baby pandas on this planet!

Finally, some good news: Ying Ying and Le Le, giant panda partners of a decade who had never, until this point, mated, finally got panda-busy at a Hong Kong zoo.

Ying Ying and Le Le were in the mood, apparently. And it might have something to do with their newfound privacy. The park, which has been shut down to visitors since January 26, has been completely empty of visitors except for the zookeepers. In any case, they appeared to both be in the mood as they practiced a typical panda mating dance. Ying Ying took to the water to play. Le Le left scent markings. Zookeepers grabbed cameras and waited for the action. You know the drill.

What's next for these 2?  See:

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
