America Deserves Better

I'm not a big reader of opinion pieces.

After all, everyone has an opinion (and that's OK) -- and to try to even begin to absorb them all (or a fraction there-of) would be nightmarish.

But this one caught my eye:

This week, Clinton formally endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden for president. This means Trump won't be debating a qualified woman this fall (although he could have been) but rather an aging white man who, like himself, has been accused of sexual assault and inappropriate sexual behavior. And as both a Democrat and one of the 1 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men who've been raped in their lifetimes, I will be asked to sidestep my trauma to vote for a man who is decidedly better for the country than the current president but could also very well be an abuser.
We — women, sexual assault survivors, Americans — deserved better.

You're damn right we deserve better!

For 3 Presidential elections now, we've been given chaff.  Where are the leaders?  Where are the ones we can admire?

Here's the full opinion piece.

The writer knocks both Biden & Trump...... as she should.  They are both faulty candidates, damaged goods.

Once again this election, it's going to be a "hold your nose and vote for the lesser of 2 evils" situation.

America deserves better than that.

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
