Murder Hornets


These suckers sound nasty.  Pretty much not-at-all for humans.  But for honeybees, yeesh!

And keep in mind how critically, crucially, imperatively important honeybees are to humans.

(CLICK ON THE "BEES" tag at the bottom of this post to read my prior posts about honeybees)

Our next plague?     :)

Anyway....... I caught this on-line and had to share it here.  Mr. O'Reilly brings some interesting thoughts to the table.

So when I learned along with other Americans this week about so-called Murder Hornets  — aka Vespa Mandarinia — that have arrived here from China, the internal battle stations siren went off and an untoward but irresistible thought emerged: What is it with China? 

It seems there’s something new and terrible arriving from the Middle Kingdom and its environs every couple of years along with all those Target and Walmart boxes — the Marmorated Stink Bug (P.U.), Longhorn Beetle (tree killer), Citrus Psyllid (destroys orange groves), Tiger Mosquito (Zika, West Nile), Emerald Ash Borer (remember ash Lousville Sluggers?), the Northern Snakehead and Asian Carp (goodbye lake fishing), and now, worst of all, COVID-19. 

It tempts the question, does China have it out for us somehow? Are our nations on a collision course?


What a crazy 2020 this has been!  And we're only 5 months in!

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
