Virtual 7th Inning Stretch

What a cool story.  I need to get out and watch some of these videos.

If you’re like me, you’re missing baseball. Not so much baseball on TV. I’ll admit, I’ve never been a huge fan of that. But I love going to the ballpark. I love sitting in the too-small seats at Fenway.

Josh Kantor loves it there, too. And since 2003, he’s had his own special seat: at the keys of Fenway Park’s organ. During the games, Josh takes requests — via Twitter — from the fans in the stadium. And it becomes a sort of game within a game to listen to whether Josh will be able to make those requests happen.

This spring, Josh has been missing baseball. So along with his wife, Mary Eaton, he decided to do something about it.

My old friend Jason, whom I've known for almost 30 years, he texted me on the afternoon of what would've been the opening day of the baseball season. And he said, "You should do a live stream and play some songs today." And I thought, "That sounds like fun."

I was like, "How do you do a live stream?" He said, "I don't know, just look on Google." So I watched a video with a little four minute tutorial, and then my wife Mary helped me set it up. We didn't really know what we were doing as far as how to get good sound, how to get good picture, how to talk.

And we thought it was going to be a one-time thing — it would last a few minutes, a couple people might show up. It turned out that a ton of people showed up, and we got almost 100 song requests. And I had time to get to about 40 of them. And after over an hour we finally decided, "OK, we have to be done now." As soon as we finished, we both realized how much we enjoyed that and how much we needed it. And so we committed to doing it for a half hour every afternoon, 3:00 Eastern time.



Good for him!

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
