Ban China Citrus

Had not heard this in the news back in February:

(February 2020) The USDA announced that five specific types of citrus from China would be allowed under the new U.S.-China trade agreement -- pummelo, Nanfeng honey mandarin, ponkan, sweet orange and Satsuma mandarin fruit. Some of those are grown in limited amounts in the United States as specialty crops.

We'll that's got things all heated-up down in Florida:

(June 25) A bill to ban the importation of all citrus from China has gained bipartisan support in Florida, where growers have invested billions of dollars to battle citrus greening disease that came from Asia.

The bill comes after the U.S. Department of Agriculture authorized limited varieties for import as of April 15. Before that, the United States had not allowed any citrus imports from China.

I've never heard of pummelos and ponkans.  I love mandarin oranges -- the el cheapo ones, that is.  "Honey mandarin" sounds expensive.

When I think citrus, oranges, grapefruit and lemons come to my mind.  But, if I was a Florida farmer of the 5 fruits above, I think I'd be all riled-up too about the imports.

Full story:

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
