Race in America

Important words here, folks.......

"Racial Injustice has Benefited Me - A Confession"

Way back in the 1930s the federal government decided that white families should be encouraged to own homes, and black families should not. 70 years of policies encouraging and underwriting white home ownership, and discouraging black home ownership have led to a profoundly inequitable America.

Today the average black household has 60% of the income of the average white household, but only 10% of the household wealth. Why? Because the #1 form of inter-generational household wealth in America is home ownership. Home ownership allows kids to go to college with home equity. Allows wealth to be passed through generations. Provides an economic backstop against calamity.

Which is exactly what happened in our case. When my family faced economic calamity, the house we owned in Muscatine, IA allowed us to replant ourselves in an upper-middle class community with fantastic schools and ample opportunity. It gave us a second chance.

And this is what we have done to black families over the last 70 years. We’ve prevented them from building the backstop to survive calamity. So how I tell my story is important.

These words are from Phil Vischer, one of the team behind Veggietales (still one of my top 3 cartoon series of all-time).

Read more of his words:


And please -- PLEASE -- watch his video;  it's 18 minutes that all Americans need to hear:

"Race in America"

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
