Can You Help The Cross?

My first statement:  please donate blood.  Others need you.  And giving blood is a quick and easy way to help those others.

Remember...... you or a loved one may need blood some day. That blood will come from a donor who made the decision to help others.

If you won't give -- or can't give -- or already give on a regular basis, please keep reading.

Many of you know that I regularly volunteer for the Red Cross as a donor ambassador at blood drives.  This involves checking-in donors, answering questions, and keeping the post-donation snacks table stocked.

In 2021, I was blessed to have the opportunity to serve at 10 drives for nearly 50 hours total.

I plan on doing the same in 2022.

And I encourage you to think about doing the same thing for your local Red Cross.  Not 9 drives....... just start with 1.

All the details you need to apply are here:

You can make a real difference, folks.  Trust me..... I have seen it first hand.

Even if "donor ambassador" seems a little out of your comfort zone, please consider giving it a try!

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
