Commercial Concerns

I watched some football over the holidays. 

Ummmmmm...... not "some".  Rather "much".

Lots of good bowl games with a few stinkers thrown in the mix.

Obviously, this means I also watched a bunch of commercials.

And I have concerns about 4 of them.

Aarons featuring Mr. T:  has this guy's career really dropped to the point where he's hawking rent-to-own appliances?  

Steve Harvey's new judge show:  yet another TV gig for this funny guy;  no, he's not a judge, but based on the commercials, half of America will think he is.  for folks who invest in this wild-and-crazy stuff...... BEWARE;  yes, there is money to be made, but the risk is crazy high!

Various commercials featuring drivers without hands on the steering wheel:  NOOOOOOOO!  There is no common sense in letting a computer have full control of a vehicle.  There will be lawsuits against the car manufacturers when this technology fails...... and kills.

Just my thoughts.  Take 'em or leave 'em.

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
