New Words #12

Came across some more "new" words & phrases.

This is set #12 of these that I've posted here on MattChat.

As with previous posts, these are not necessarily "brand new"...... just new to me:  words that I've come across recently which I do not recall hearing before.

geographic tongue:  a benign, non-contagious condition that causes a map-like pattern to appear on the tongue

palouser:  a naïve rube or an inexperienced worker

stone paper: a type of paper-like, strong and durable material made from calcium carbonate bonded with a small amount of high-density polyethylene resin (HDPE); it has no grain direction, making it incredibly smooth compared to normal paper

mean-mugging:  the act of glowering at someone with an intimidating, irritated, or judgmental facial expression

garderobe:  a medieval toilet built into the exterior wall of a castle

homebuyer love letter:  a tactic used by some real estate agents to help their buyers stand out among multiple offers;  these love letters are written to appeal to the seller to accept their offer

torticollis:  otherwise known as "crooked neck syndrome", severe contractions or spasms of the muscles on one side of the neck cause contortion of the head

pangram:  a sentence that uses all the letters of the alphabet

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
