Texas Abortion

February 10:

Abortions in Texas fell by 60% in the first month under the most restrictive abortion law in the U.S. in decades, according to new figures that for the first time reveal a full accounting of the immediate impact.

The nearly 2,200 abortions reported by Texas providers in September came after a new law took effect that bans the procedure once cardiac activity is detected, usually around six weeks of pregnancy and without exceptions in cases of rape or incest. The figures were released this month by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission.

What a controversial issue.

- At what point is there life?

- At what point is the fetus a human?

- At what point does the fetus/human have rights?

- At what point does the fetus/human's rights outweigh the mother's rights?

- Should the government take a stand in defending the fetus/human?

- Should a woman be allowed more than 1 abortion?

- Is abortion murder?

And on and on and on.

2 things that I struggle with about this Texas law.

First one is stated above:  "without exceptions in cases of rape or incest".  Yeah, that's tough.  Forcing a woman to carry to term the result of a horrible/disgusting crime.  I cannot imagine the mental struggle that would cause.

Second one:

Under the law, any private citizen is entitled to collect $10,000 or more if they bring a successful lawsuit against someone who performed or helped a woman obtain an abortion after the limit — which opponents have condemned as a bounty.

Do we really want to go to that level?  Making the complicated topic of abortion into some type of sport, game, competition, etc.?

I always remember three things when discussing abortion:

- God gives and celebrates life.

- Life has purpose.

- All living things are God's creation.

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
