Permanent DST

It's back.

The push to end the time change.  Forever.

And it's looking like they are very serious this time around.

United States Senators approved the Sunshine Protection Act on Tuesday, which would make daylight saving time permanent year-round starting in 2023. The bill will next be passed along to the House of Representatives before being sent to the desk of President Biden for a signature.

The bill's lead sponsor, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., touted potential benefits such as reduced seasonal affective disorder in the fall when darkness falls earlier in the day and more time for children to take part in outdoor activities after school. He said he had no assurance the House would take up the measure but said "it's an idea whose time has come."

"There's strong science behind it that is now showing and making people aware of the harm that clock switching has, there's an increase in heart attacks, car accidents and pedestrian accidents," he said on the Senate floor.

My opinion?  There are much bigger problems in America on which Congress could be spending their time.

Here's what it'll mean for early mornings (click on image to enlarge):

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Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
