Phil Collins Ends It

Growing-up, this guy was one of my favorites.

That's how I want to remember him.  

Not as he is today.

Sad to see.  Both the photos and this news:

Phil Collins and his rock band Genesis played what they said was their final concert together in London this weekend.

Collins' 20-year-old son, Nic, played the drums, while Collins, who has been battling health issues, sat in a chair and sang.


Rumors are swirling about what might be going on.  Likely something more serious than the back and nerve issues that have plagued him for years.

I've been to many concerts thru the years.  In my top 3 is the night back in April 1997 when we saw him at the Assembly Hall over in Champaign.  HOLY SMOKES!  I still remember how incredible both the music and the set design was.

His music will endure forever.

May his remaining years be ones of comfort & peace.

Grace & Peace & Love to you all -
